High school drama students get help fundraising from Golden State Warriors

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ByJonathan Bloom KGO logo
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Drama students get fundraising help from the Warriors
Some young actors from Oakland could get a chance to spread their message against bullying to an international audience, with a little help from the Golden State Warriors.

OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) -- Some young actors from Oakland could get a chance to spread their message against bullying to an international audience, with a little help from the Golden State Warriors.

From new takes on classic Shakespeare to tough scenes about the present day.

Skyline High School's drama class helps students find a new piece of themselves. "I like that I get to be somebody else. I like being myself, but I get to step out into a whole other character and feel their struggles," Skyline High sophomore Kaliyah Scott said.

Sometimes those real-life struggles are suffered in silence. That's the subject of prospect high -- a play co-written with teens from New York.

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It's inspired by the dark parts of teenage life, like being bullied - a topic the class has tackled before.

Last year, they entered the golden state warriors program to fight bullying.

"Not in our school. Not in our town, and most definitely not on our ground," the students said.

They won the grand prize -- and have since performed prospect high all over the Bay Area.

But now a new opportunity has presented itself.

"We got an invitation to perform at the American High School Theater fest in Scotland," "It was mind blowing. I was like, 'wow, we're going to Scotland.'"

There was only one problem - money. The students had to raise enough for an expensive trip, and do it more quickly than they'd ever imagined.

"We need to raise $28,000 by June 12th," the students said.

It seemed an impossible goal. But, then they got a call from some old friends.

"The Warriors wanted to support our effort, and that they wanted to offer some items for auction," Skyline High Drama Director Awele Makeba said. Those items included tickets to the NBA finals and a basketball signed by the team.

Click here to help the team reach their goal.

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