Improve your life by worrying less

Buy the book on Amazon: Managing the Worry Circle

1. What kinds of social stimuli cause us to worry? - the economy, environment, cost of the living and relationships of various kinds.

2. What are the three major types of worries? - the things you can control, things you can influence but not control, things that are totally uncontrollable. 40% of what people worry about are caused by uncontrollable issues which are toxic to the mind.

3. What types of familial worries are common? - parenting, financial stress, work pressures.

4. What are self-caused worries? Things that we cause based on our own choices and behaviors.

5. What are typical environmental worries? Stresses caused by your surroundings such as: cost of living, quality of life (air, water or lack thereof), personal safety and security.

6. These days many people have money worries due to the economy. How can these worries mushroom in importance in our minds? Money is the # 1 cause of worry for most adults today. Tough times require tough decisions -- the reality is that people must: evaluate their options, make the best decision possible and have the courage to take action. Sometimes that action may be unpleasant; if so live by "The 3 Day Rule". Doing nothing makes the situation worse.

7. How can people manage their worries? Own what is in your head, treat your mind like a castle with a drawbridge, own the things you can control and jettison the rest. Protect the castle.

8. What is crafting your daily dozen? The daily dozen is a written list of 12 things that describe the person you aspire to be. They are ranked in importance from 1-12 and your worry management supports the pursuit of all 12.

Three types of Worry

· Things We Can Control
Training our minds to worry only about things we can control is the crux of effective Worry Circle management and a position of strength.

· Things We Can Influence (but not control)
A worry that we can influence features some portion that we can control, but not entirely solve. We can be nice to others, but not control what they think of us. For example, parenting falls heavily into the influence category.

· Things We Cannot Influence or Control
When we worry about things beyond our control we tend to dwell on them to the extreme. Our minds rocket to the worst scenarios imaginable: The job market's horrible. Nobody's hiring. The house won't sell, the market's too bad. We're trapped, doomed and we'll lose all of our possessions. We'll be homeless. Under this scenario, we trade all logic for uncertainty and panic.

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