Tonsil surgery tragedy: Judge orders hospital to keep girl on support


Jahi McMath had complications following a routine tonsillectomy. Several days after the surgery, she went into cardiac arrest and was declared brain dead on Dec. 12.

The girl's family asked for a court order to keep McMath on a ventilator while they got a second opinion on her condition. Both sides agreed and another hearing is set for Monday to appoint a physician.

McMath was having her tonsils removed to help with sleep apnea. Her mom, Nailah Winkfield, said she began to fear something was going horribly wrong after her daughter's tonsillectomy. Winkfield said her daughter was moved to a recovery room. She was sitting up in bed, her hospital gown was bloody, and she was holding a pink cup full of blood.

Hospital officials said they couldn't discuss the case because the family hasn't given them permission to do so.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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