Tests of /*Chaca Chaca Chacatrozo candy*/ found three times the level of lead that state health officials consider unhealthy, according to a health department announcement.
"/*Lead*/ is toxic to humans, especially infants, young children and developing fetuses, and can result in learning disabilities and behavioral disorders that could last a lifetime," Monterey County Health Officer Dr. Hugh Stallworth said in a statement.
The candy is a fruit pulp candy coated with brownish-red colored salt and chili powder. It is packaged in a clear plastic bag containing 10 individual candies. The word Chacatrozo is printed at the top and bottom of the bag.
Consumers in possession of the candy should throw it away. Those concerned about recent consumption of the candy should contact their health care provider.
Anyone who finds the candy for sale at a retail outlet is urged to contact state health officials at (800) 495-3232.
California Department of Public Health, Lead in Candy Analysis Data for 2007-2008.