The /*Department of Fish and Game*/ believes the /*mountain lion*/ killed a lamb early Friday morning. They won't say exactly where, but they do say it is within miles of where a goat was killed. A cage-like trap has now been set.
/*Rosalia Ambriz*/ and her two daughters are very afraid of a mountain lion that came onto their property Wednesday night, will come back again.
"Yes, a lot," said Rosalia.
The family had 15 goats. They now have 14.
The Department of Fish and Game believes this mountain lion captured on home video by a neighbor James Zelaya, killed the goat and dragged it away.
"I can't sleep I keep thinking about the mountain lion eating one of our family," said Gloribell, Rosalia, 9-year-old daughter.
Fish and Game will now try to trap the animal. They just found one of the lion's recent kills Friday afternoon and they needed that carcass to bait the trap.
"Mountain lions are predators; they like to kill their food. They're not scavengers so they don't generally go up and just eat a carcass killed by something else, so it really wouldn't work to put meat or some other dead animal in there to bring them in," said Lieutenant /*Sheree Christensen*/ from the Dept. of Fish and Game.
People living in the Hayward hills have been warned to keep their livestock and small animals in doors at night and in the early morning hours. Even hikers in Garin Park are being cautious.
"I really very rarely go down into the trees, I don't think I'll go down into the trees when I know there is a mountain lion around, so for sure I'm going to stay on the ridgeline today," said Mike Northrup, a Garin Park hiker.
So the trappers hope the mountain lion will return to its meal some time Friday night or Saturday morning. Experts say, based on the video, they think this mountain lion is between one and two years old, weighing roughly 90 pounds. A spokesperson from the Department of Fish and Game, told me that if the animal is trapped, based in its behavior, it would not be relocated, it would be euthanized.
Residents who live in the area next to the open space, are told until the mountain lion is located to call 911 if they see it and not to approach it.