The results in North Carolina were much more decisive. Obama won there with 56 percent to Clinton's 42 percent.
In North Carolina, Obama won by more than 200,000 votes, essentially wiping out the gain Hillary Clinton made when she won Pennsylvania. On Tuesday, it wasn't the white vote that decided the election in Indiana, it was seniors, people over 65 who gave Clinton her victory in Indiana. However make no mistake, it was Obama's night.
Barack Obama sounded like he was accepting the nomination.
"Security and opportunity, compassion and prosperity aren't liberal values, they're not conservative values, they are American values and that is what we are fighting for in this election," said Obama.
Hillary Clinton's speech repeated much of what we've heard before.
"I think it's time to give Americans a break this summer and make the oil companies pay the gas tax out of their record profits," said Clinton.
Clinton gave her speech before she knew how close it would be in Indiana.
"We've broken the tie and thanks to you it's full speed on to the White House," said Clinton.
However, political experts say the road to the White House has become more difficult.
"The truth is she's really lost it at this point," said Henry Brady, a U.C. Berkeley political science professor.
Brady says all Obama needs to do now is play out the string and count the delegates. University of San Francisco political scientist James Taylor says it's over.
"It may go on into West Virginia, but I can't imagine that there will be a rational for her to continue at this point," said says Taylor.
ABC 7's political analyst Bruce Cain says at the end of the night Obama will have more votes and more delegates and that will translate into momentum and money.
"I was talking to a Hillary fund raiser, a very well connected fund raiser, and she said she stopped making calls for Hillary because people are not returning those phone calls, given what's happened tonight I think it's going to be even harder to get people to return those calls in the next week or so," said Cain.
Clinton supporters are talking about the importance of counting the contested states of Florida and Michigan. Obama's camp says superdelegates won't buy that argument.
For Tuesday in delegates, the ABC News count shows Obama leads Clinton by 164. He has 1,843 to her 1,679. And a total delegate count of 2,025 is needed for the nomination.
ABC News is reporting that Hillary Clinton plans to meet with undecided super delegates on Wednesday in Washington D.C., a meeting that was scheduled days ago.