House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was at the Santa Clara Convention Center and has been saying for several days that she expects the nomination race to be over this week.
Hillary Clinton was in Puerto Rico for Sunday's primary, but while voters in South Dakota and Montana will be making their choice known on Tuesday, Clinton will be in her home state of New York. A top Clinton aide said that New York is where she started and New York is where she ends.
The Clinton campaign sent out a memo to staffers saying no events are scheduled beyond this Wednesday, and on Monday, Bill Clinton suggested voters in South Dakota that the end is near.
"And I want to say also this may be the last day I'm ever involved in a campaign of this kind," said Bill Clinton on Monday.
At the same time, Hillary Clinton is still pitching for superdelegates to give her the nomination.
"I ask you to consider these questions: Which candidate best represents the will of the people in this historic election?" said Clinton.
The Clinton campaign said it reserves the right to carry the nomination fight to the convention floor, but speaker Nancy Pelosi told us that she doesn't think it will happen.
"I think what you'll see after tomorrow night is the people will have spoken the election will have taken place and now it behooves the superdelegates to express their view and we'll have the nominee," says Pelosi.
Pelosi says she will reserve her superdelegate vote until a nominee has been selected.
Bay Area members of congress attending this afternoon's Silicon Valley leadership meeting say the nomination process will be over this week.
"I think you're going to see a lot of superdelegates making their decision and announcing it publicly," says Representative Anna Eshoo
"I think Democrats across the county will form up behind the nominee and we're gonna win the election in November," says Representative Zoe Lofgren.
"Senator Obama is going to have the delegate support he needs to have the nomination and that Clinton will not get that support," says Representative Rep. George Miller.
Congress members Miller, Eschoo and Lofgren and Miller have each declared for Barack Obama. The Bay Area members of Congress supporting Clinton were not available to comment. A spokesman for Representative Ellen Tauscher told me Tauscher will back Clinton for as long as she's in the race.
As for Barack Obama, he spoke of Clinton as an ally rather than an opponent.
"Senator Clinton has run an outstanding race, she is an outstanding public servant and she and I will be working together in November," says Obama.
We are also hearing that Hillary Clinton is planning to meet with some of her biggest donors Tuesday night. On a conference call on Monday, those same donors were told it's not over.