At 3:25 am Friday morning, a woman delivering newspapers came into Ashland Court and ran her car over the teens sleeping on a blanket lying on the street. She stopped the car after her two front tires went over the boys.
San Ramon Valley firefighters rushed to the scene where they found the boys still under the car and the newspaper delivery woman very upset and emotional. The fire crews went quickly into action.
"We used some airbags to lift the car straight up. We also used a bunch of wood to make sure that once the car went up, it would not start going back down. So we wanted to lift the cars very systematically up. Once we brought them out, we put them on backboards to make sure that their condition was stable," said Chief Mike Brown, San Ramon Valley fire department.
The boys are now at John Muir Medical Center with non-life threatening injuries.
The question remains - what were the boys doing sleeping out in a court at 3:30 in the morning? One neighbor offered an opinion and that it is a trend among teenage boys.