Edible centerpieces from the produce aisle

178 E. Prospect Ave., 2nd Floor
Danville, CA 94526
Email: ria@twigss.com

Featured Centerpieces by Ria Sim:

  1. Centerpiece created from Kale, Chard, green apples, and asparagus
  2. Centerpiece created from carrots, topped with parsley and roses from your yard
  3. Multi Tier centerpiece filled with artichoke, kale and Brussels sprouts, limes
  4. Edible Centerpiece created from carrots, baby squash and garnish with kale leaves

1) Simply Green Centerpiece created from Kale, Chard, green apples, limes, and asparagus

Step one (preparing the vase and foam):

  • Select a clear square vase (ranging from 2.5" to 8" diameter)
  • Place the 3.5" vase inside (in the center) the 6" vase. (as shown on air)
  • Soak floral foam in water for 2 minutes
  • Cut floral foam to fit the diameter of the 3.5" vase
  • Insert standard "pre-soaked" floral foam inside the 3.5" vase

Step two (preparing the vegetables to be turned into a centerpiece)

  • Line the vase with fresh asparagus (the gap between the 3.5" vase and the 6" vase)
  • Take the kale leaf and strip off about 1.5 inch of leaf from the bottom of the stems
  • Insert /assemble the kale leaf into the floral foam according to your desired design
  • Do the same technique with the chard
  • Take the green apples (preferably mini size) and insert bamboo skewers or floral pick into the bottom of the apple and place in the floral foam accordingly
  • Take the limes and cut them in half. Insert the bamboo skewer or floral pick into the back of the lime and insert into the floral foam

2) Centerpiece created from carrots, topped with parsley, lemons, and roses from your yard

Step one (preparing the vase and foam):

  • Select a clear square vase (ranging from 2.5" to 8" diameter)
  • Place the 3.5" vase inside (in the center) the 6" vase. (as shown on air)
  • Soak floral foam in water for 2 minutes
  • Cut floral foam to fit the diameter of the 3.5" vase
  • Insert standard "pre-soaked" floral foam inside the 3.5" vase

Step two (preparing the vegetables to be turned into a centerpiece)

  • Line the vase with fresh carrots (the gap between the 3.5" vase and the 6" vase)
  • Take rose and cut the stems at an angle
  • Insert /assemble the rose into the floral foam according to your desired design
  • Take the parsley and insert into the floral foam between the roses (it adds texture and fragrance)
  • Take the lemons and cut them in half. Insert the bamboo skewer or floral pick into the back of the lime and insert into the floral foam

3) Multi Tier centerpiece filled with artichoke, kale and Brussels sprouts, limes

Step One

  • Purchase 3 circular or square vases ranging in various sizes
  • Fill each vase with water (65% of the vase)
  • In one vase fill it with the Brussels sprouts
  • In the other vase fill it with the artichoke
  • In the third vase, fill it with cut fresh limes and top off with the kale leafs for added texture and creativity

Display the 3-tier centerpieces together to give it it's full effect

4) Edible Centerpiece created from carrots, cherry tomatoes, baby squash and garnish with kale leaves

Step One

  • Use a low rise vase (approximately 4" tall), any shape (square, rectangular, round)
  • Soak floral foam in water for 2 minutes
  • Cut floral foam to fit the diameter of the vase
  • Insert standard "pre-soaked" floral foam inside the vase

Note: if you are using a clear vase, I suggest you line the vase with either Ti leaves or chard to hide the floral foam.

Step Two

  • Wash / peel carrots. If you can get the mini carrots already peeled in baggies are great to use. This will save you preparation time. Depending on the size of the vase will determine how many carrots to use.
  • Wash baby squash
  • Wash Kale leaves
  • Wash cherry tomatoes

Step Three

  • Insert bamboo skewers into the carrots and squash
  • Insert kale leaves onto the floral foam and decorate as needed
  • Insert the skewered carrots into the floral foam (carrots on top and the bamboo skewers are what is inserted.
  • Line up and decorate the carrots according to your design. Try to assemble the carrots to sprout out of the vase. The same for the baby squash, place it around the carrots to add additional color. Note: in a separate container, pour salad dressing, favorite dips, or your very own homemade recipe dips. Your guests will be able to pick up a skewered carrot and enjoy a tantalizing dipping sauce to finish your edible centerpiece.

Another great idea! Floating candles filled with Brussels sprouts, green beans, and edamame


  • Take 3 circular cylinders (approximately 7", 8", 10" tall with a 3.5" opening)
  • Fill the cylinders will water (approximately 65% to the top of the vase)
  • Fill one cylinder with the Brussels sprouts
  • Fill the other cylinder with the edamame
  • Fill the third cylinder with the green beans
  • Lastly place a 3" round candle (make sure you purchase the candle designed to float) into the cylinder

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