California delegates who supported Hillary Clinton have been talking for months about having their vote heard on the convention floor.
They wanted their votes for Hillary Clinton counted. On Wednesday morning, we began hearing reports that it wasn't going to happen for California.
Before breakfast California delegates were asked to cast their votes for either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.
Clinton supporters were adamant about having their votes heard on the convention floor.
"It's a sign of respect for the campaign she waged and the person she is and she should be on the ballot," said Clinton Delegate Betty McMillion.
ABC7 News asked the chair of the California Democratic Party about reports the roll call might be cut short.
"They still have to go through all the states, because a roll call is a roll call unless they change the rules tonight," said Chairman of the California Democratic Party Art Torres.
ABC7 News asked Senator Barbara Boxer have they decided.
"Well I think Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have decided how it will be handled, so it's fine with me
"How will it be handled," asked ABC7's Mark Matthews.
We'll see tonight," said Boxer.
A few minutes later, senator John Kerry told ABC7 News the roll call would be cut short for the sake of party unity.
"And I guarantee you that at the right moment that roll call is going to move to a unanimous acclimation for Barack Obama, and this convention is just going to move into unity at Invesco Field tomorrow night," said Kerry.
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom says all party's concern was over how it might look to have a lot of big states like New York and California voting for Clinton.
"And then all of a sudden that becomes the back drop of Thursday's stories into Friday and bleeding into the weekend and all of a sudden the convention was a little more divided on the surface that it otherwise could've been, I think that's it, " said Newsom.
Newsom calls the whole thing inside baseball nonsense.
Former White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta said Clinton would release her delegates and then he wasn't sure what would happen.
"Those that want to vote for Hillary will do that I think many of them will probably vote for Barack Obama but I think it's going to be a mixed bag," said Panetta.
"Is there concern about showing that mixed bag to the world?" asked ABC7's Mark Matthews.
"Well you know welcome to Democracy, the sausage factory can be ugly sometimes but that's what it's all about," said Panetta.
And as you'd expect at the republican war room set up in Denver, they're trying to make the most out of any split between Obama and Clinton.
"She didn't for once say commander in chief she didn't say ready she didn't say experienced," said McCain Spokesperson Michael Goldfarb.
The Democrats are praising the speech.
"I think it was the speech of her life," said Panetta.
"I thought it was a great speech honestly," said Newsom.
"I think she hit a grand slam because what she's saying is think about it did you vote for me because of me or did you vote for me because of the problems that are out there," said Boxer.
And tonight it was Hillary Clinton who called for the vote by acclimation that put Barack Obama over the top.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for a voice vote. All in favor, there was a big cheer all opposed, she didn't pause for an instant before declare for Barack Obama.