Palin remains focus of convention buzz

ST. PAUL, Minn.

Sen. Joe Lieberman walked out on to the stage Tuesday afternoon to get a feel for the auditorium before his speech, but Palin was noticeably absent from the convention festivities.

Delegates are being schooled on how to answer reporters' questions about Palin, and her revelation that her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant.

When asked how Palin should handle the news of the pregnancy, California delegate Luis Buhler responded, "Well, you know, Sarah Palin has a real family and I think Americans identify with a real family, with real issues and I think this just demonstrates that she has a great understanding of what real families face in America."

When asked if Palin should be out addressing the American people, Buhler said, "I think she's got a real family, she's got experience with the kinds of issues that effect real families in America."

In the past 24 hours, ABC News has reported that as governor, Palin did not support sex education in Alaska schools, opting instead to support a program of abstinence before marriage education.

Across the street from the convention, the Democratic Party's war room was not touching that story; a spokesperson told ABC7 they are trying to keep a very low profile as long as the Republicans at the convention tone down the partisan rhetoric.

At nearby Mickey's Dining Car, ABC7 asked some of the regulars what they thought about Palin's position.

"I don't think there are very many parents who wouldn't be able to point to an example of some time their kids didn't follow their teachings," Scott Fraser said.

As it stands, the next time anyone expects to see Palin will be Wednesday night when she gives her acceptance speech.

"I think Wednesday is an important opportunity for her to introduce herself to the nation; what the elements of that are going to be, I don't know," California Congressman Dan Lungren said.

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