Tips for "Falling Back Into a Routine"
By Kim Fulcher
Falling Into Fall
Theme: Establish a Routine
A routine is simply a set of habits. Routine is incredibly important for adults and children alike. A healthy routine will combine elements of things you have to do (like getting the kids ready for school) and things you want to do (like getting a workout). When you set a predictable structure to support these habits, you set yourself (and your family) up for success.
-- Identify the Must Do's: Make a list of the things you must accomplish every day. Examples of these items include getting the kids up and ready for school, getting them to and from school, and managing their after school activities.
-- Define Your Want-to-Do's: Make a list of three to five things you want to incorporate into you're your daily habits, and make these things about you. Maybe you want to begin writing in a journal or getting a workout. Perhaps there is a new hobby you'd like to take up, or you've always dreamed of starting a business. With the kids back to school you're going to have a bit of found time on your hands. Make it mean something.
-- Set A Schedule: Take both your Must-Do's and your Want-to-Do's and put them into a workable schedule. For greatest success, define the order you'll address each task, and even assign it a time. Unscheduled time has a tendency to disappear. When you're intentional about the use of your time you'll find that you not only seem to have more of it, you enjoy the process of using it.
-- Enlist Support: Make sure everyone in your family knows about your schedule. Post it, and assign tasks to everyone in your household. Allow yourself to receive support, and your routine will be both functional and fun. (You'll also teach your children how to manage their time effectively).
-- Build In Some Downtime - Make sure to set aside at least one full day each weekend to rest, play, and have some fun. Your to-do list will be there when you come back to your schedule the next day.
About Kim Fulcher Kim Fulcher is president and CEO of
Life and business coaching expert, Kim Fulcher, is as an entrepreneur, executive, author, speaker, and professional coach. She has attained national recognition as an expert in personal and professional development.
Kim is a highly sought after speaker and media personality. She is a frequent guest of television and radio, and her expert advice has been featured in magazines such as Time, Fitness, Family Circle, Seventeen, and First for Women. Kim speaks to organizations around the world on subjects ranging from self mastery and leadership to life balance. She is the author of Remodel Your Reality; Seven Steps to Rebalance Your Life and Reclaim Your Passion, along with dozens of eBooks and advice columns.
Her professional experience includes the founding of SkillsVillage, a human capital management software company, which was acquired for nearly $40 million; and management of a $60 million Silicon Valley consulting firm. In addition, Kim has held positions as a board member and advisor for numerous coaching organizations, including The Silicon Valley Coach Federation and
For more information on the book or to buy the book, "Remodel Your Reality: Seven Steps to Rebalance Your Life and Reclaim Your Passion," visit or buy the book on Amazon.
About the book:
How often do you feel like you're actually in control of your day, much less in control of your life?
Do you think the "realities" of life make living your dreams impractical, if not downright impossible?
Think again.
It's possible you've lost track of the fact that what you call the demands of each day-at work, at home, in relationships, with family-are actually choices you make. Remodel Your Reality™ reveals practical ways you can begin to consistently make choices that support what you want so you stop feeling swept along by what you think you need to do.
Life coach Kimberly Fulcher has developed an experience-tested, 7-step approach to help you create balance in your life. It works-even amidst the chaos of today's fast-paced world. In clear, simple terms it shows you how to reclaim your energy and effectively maximize the abundant possibility within your life. It assists you in getting back in touch with and clarifying what you really want and shows you how to make your dreams a reality-starting right where you are in life. Kim takes your hand and coaches you through the process she's used with her clients for years.
The promise of this program is nothing short of a transformation of your life!
The simple steps will keep you nodding your head and turning pages. The fascinating case histories of women who have successfully applied its principles will encourage you, and as you find out how easy it is to integrate the program into your own life you will feel excitement, joy, and a budding passion. Remodel Your Reality™ will make you a happier, healthier, more fulfilled woman.
Prepare to fall in love with your life, reconnect with the wonderful woman you are, and awaken the powerful potential that lives within you.