Baby born with 12 fingers, 12 toes


Kamani Hubbard was born two weeks ago at St. Luke's Hospital, with an extra finger on each of his hands and an extra toe on each foot, a condition known as polydactyly.

In Kamani's case, all of the digits are perfectly formed and function normally.

In fact, his parents say nobody noticed the condition until a few minutes after his birth.

"I was in amazement, it took a little time for me to take it all in," father Kris Hubbard said. "My son has six fingers then I saw toes, and I thought, 'this is quite unique.'"

Some partial development of an extra digit occurs about once in every 2,000 births, fully developed extra digits on both hands and feet are considered extremely rare.

There is a history of polydactyly on Kamani's father side of the family, but no relative can remember it happening on both hands and feet.

Since all of Kamani's digits function normally, his parents say they are still deciding whether or not to pursue possible surgical options.

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