Most people don't realize that before a relationship actually ends.. there are signals we send off to one another beforehand. When we are turned off to the person we are in a relationship with our body language spills the beans before we do. Below are some interesting clues to know if your relationship is in trouble:
· Very little interaction with one another. If you are suddenly not spending as much time with one another, and there is no real reason for it.. like your husband is right in the middle of a big court case there could be trouble.
· Not looking at each other when the other speaks. No eye communication which basically means they are avoiding really connecting with the spouse.
· Clenching of the jaw or deep sighs when spouse calls out to the other.
· Bodies turned away from each other. Legs crossed arms crossed denotes that you are 'closed off' to the other person.
· They stop opening doors, lighting cigarettes or helping you put your coat on. All of the courtship rituals go right out the window when people are starting to pull away.
· For women, no longer putting make-up on, working out or dressing up.. both during the day and at night is a sign that your relationship might need a tune up.
· No touching. No kissing or frequent gestures of physical affection.
· NO SEX! That is probably the biggest indicator that your relationship has gone off course.
Amber Kelleher Andrews:
Relationship expert and matchmaker to the Hollywood's glitterati
Known as the industry leader for over 23 years,
Kelleher & Associates sets the standard today for upscale, professional matchmaking.
They are the most successful and reputable
matchmaking firm in the country, facilitating
discreet introductions for highly accomplished,
attractive men and women seeking their ideal partner.
Kelleher provides a personable "boutique-like"
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for discriminating clientele world wide.