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In Castro Valley neighbors are learning more about the suspect and the songs he wrote about killing and torture.
On Monday police confiscated about 20 bags of evidence, including a computer, from the home of Richard Alden Samuel McCroskey III. His next-door neighbor says he showed no signs of being a potential killer.
"He just seemed like a very quiet, subdued guy," said Laurie Griffen, McCroskey's next door neighbor.
But inside his Castro Valley home, the 20 year old was writing and performing horrorcore rap.
One of his songs he sings "The evil voices they're in my head. They want to see me kill. They want to see me dead."
McCroskey performed that song and calls himself Syko Sam. On his MySpace page he says, "I hate everything and I hate everyone."
He was also a huge fan of a horrorcore rap artist named Mars.
"I would see him at all the shows. Even at out of state shows, I would see this kid pop in Compton. I would see him pop up in Illinois," says Mars, a horrorcore rap artist.
Mars says his records have labels warning parents the lyrics aren't fit for children. McCroskey's MySpace page says he's began listening to horrorcore when he was 10 years old.
"There's a lot of outcast kids or a lot of kids with problems who listen to it as a way of release I would say. A lot of our fans you meet are kind of creepy," says Mars.
But Mars says McCroskey did not seem to be disturbed enough to kill a Presbyterian pastor, his wife, their teenage daughter and her friend.
Another of McCroskey's songs says "I love to year you scream, I love hear you cry, as I gag your mouth and die for your eyes."
Police believe McCroskey flew to Virginia, attended a horrorcore concert with the two girls before killing all four at the family's home in Farmville, Virginia. Police will not say how they were killed.
LINK: Syko Sam music on YouTube
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