Are green products really worth the money?

Green Purchases - Worth It vs. Not Worth It

  1. Indoor Plants & Room Air Purifiers vs. Whole House Air Purification

    Examples: House Plant (ex. Gerber Daisy) & Portable Air Purifier

    Information: The EPA states that indoor air pollutants are 2-5 and up to 100 times higher than outdoor air on average. The good news is that there are some inexpensive solutions to address IAQ. NASA did a study on 50 indoor plants that remove toxins and clean the air. They discovered that some house plants can filter common pollutants such as ammonia, formaldehyde, and benzene.

    For example the Gerbera Daisy not only provides a colorful array of flowers, but it is also extremely effective in removing chemical vapors from the air as well.

    Another example is the Areca Palm, which consistently rated among the best houseplants for removing all indoor air toxins tested. One plant can be used to effectively filter every 100 sq ft. In addition to plants, it is highly recommended you implement a room or portable air purifier.

    This is going to help eliminate dust, mold, pollen dander and smoke from your home. Their recommendation is the Lowe's Idylis Air Purifier. The price point starts at only $89.00 and contain a true medical grade HEPA filter and carbon. Some also have UV-C light technology. This is great at killing 99.9 percent of germs that cause colds & flu.

    Whole House Air Purification, although good, can cost thousands of dollars and most people don't have this kind of money to spend. In many cases you can effectively clean the air of your home with a portable air purifier and some carefully placed plants.

  2. Home water filter vs. Bottled water

    Examples: Carbon Water Filter vs. plastic water bottle

    Information: 40 percent of bottled water is actually just tap water. And unfortunately tap water is typically treated with chlorine, and scientific studies have linked chlorinated water to potential harmful byproducts that can, over time, contribute to such health threatening conditions as cancer of the bladder, liver, stomach, and colon.

    In addition to chlorine there are other problems with tap water. For example, public water is usually only tested for about 100 chemicals out of the many thousand chemicals potentially in the water supply. Carbon based water filters can also help reduce the amount of contaminants that can damage the body over time. In addition it's best not to use plastic water bottles because they obviously add to the pollution of our earth through production & landfill waste. It is also cheaper over the long run to use filtered water vs. bottled.

    Natural ingredients to make your own non-toxic all purpose cleaning products vs. Name brand / GREEN cleaners

    Information: The National Research Council estimates that fewer than 30 percent of the roughly 17,000 petrochemicals available for home use have been tested for their effects on human and environmental health. That includes cleaning products! That is why they suggest you make your own. It is not only healthier but will save you money.

  3. HEPA Vacuum cleaner vs. traditional bagged (non HEPA) vacuum

    Example: Bissell Vacuum Cleaner

    Information: The average home collects 40 pounds a dust a year and unfortunately regular vacuum cleaners without a HEPA filter can emit up to 70 percent of the dust allergens back into the air you breath creating allergy and asthma triggers.

    But, HEPA filter like this one from Bissell guarantees removal of 99.97 percent of airborne pollutants including allergens like mold, pollen, dust & dander. They are the same price as a regular vacuum cleaner, but do such a better job of cleaning the air.

  4. Car Wash or Waterless Carwash vs. At Home Car Wash

    Example: Waterless Carwash

    Information: Going to a car wash assures the water is recycled back into the earth to be used again, where as washing your car at home wastes more water and can contaminate plants and soil from run-off.

    Commercial carwash averages less than 45 gallons per car, washing a car at home typically uses between 80 and 140 gallons of water!

    You are better off going to an eco-friendly carwash or if you want to do it yourself: you can use a waterless car wash system without harming the environment and have a clean car in approximately half an hour. It comes in this bottle and is easy to use. It's easy to be Green!
About Green Nest:

Green Nest began its inception in 2003. Lisa, a former Interior Designer, started feeling run down and tired all of the time. Being well aware of the abundance of toxic materials in homes today, she began a self journey in search of answers. After much research and numerous doctor visits, she came to the conclusion that her house and choice of products were making her sick.

According to the EPA research, on average, the air inside our "Nests" typically contain levels of pollutants 2-5 times higher than the air outside and in extreme cases can be 100 times more contaminated.

The average American spends about 90 percent of their time inside. It is no wonder the EPA ranked indoor air pollution as one of the top five environmental risks to public health.

The National Academy of Sciences estimated that indoor air pollution costs our country between $15 and $100 billion each year in related health care costs. The materials used to build and furnish our homes contain a variety of synthetic materials from carpets, paint and foam cushions to insulation and chemically treated pressed wood products.

These products, known as VOC's (volatile organic compounds), outgas. This means that the chemical compounds they contain break down with age and are slowly released into the air over time in the form of toxic fumes. In one study of VOCs, the Consumer Product Safety Commission found that while outdoor air at sampled sites contained less than 10 VOCs, indoor air at those same sites contained 150 VOCs!

In addition to these staggering facts, Lisa discovered that xenoestrogens (man-made chemicals that mimic estrogen in the human body) were contributing to her hormone imbalance.

These chemicals include common pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, industrial chemicals (such as dioxin, mercury, and PCBs), and metals. Many of these chemicals are used in the production of numerous products that we, as consumers, use every day (e.g., plastics, detergents, hormones such as birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy, antibiotics in animal feed as well as lawn and garden chemicals).

Many homeowners use a large number of petrochemical cleaners and other toxic products like pesticides, disinfectants, and air deodorizers liberally around the house. These products produce hazardous fumes when used and leave residues behind that then gradually dissolve into the air over time.

The constant application of such a wide variety of chemical compounds throughout the average home greatly increases both the number of dangerous indoor air pollutants and their concentration levels.

In addition to all of this, we are exposed every day to chemicals in personal care products and cleaning supplies. It is no wonder our bodies become overloaded and may even develop MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) or EI (Environmental Illness).

It was through this research that Lisa decided to become a Certified Baubiologist (Building Biology - a study derived from Germany which encompasses how buildings impact life and the living environment).

With her B.A. from Arizona State University already under her belt, she then decided to incorporate her two passions in life - interior design and health.

After making the necessary adjustments to their home, her health gradually became better and she and her husband Ron decided to help other people in their endless efforts to attain optimal health.

Together, with Ron who earned his B.A. from George Mason University, they chose to seek "greener pastures." In addition, Ron has also continued his education through Bau-biologie focusing on air, water and indoor materials and electromagnetic radiation.

Whether you suffer from allergies, asthma, hormone imbalance or unexplained fatigue, we are confident that by incorporating the necessary steps into your "Nest," you will begin to prolong your life and more importantly enhance the quality of it!

For more information, visit

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