Voters approve cardroom, parcel tax measures


Measure J, which asked Santa Clara voters to consider a proposal to build a 68,500-seat stadium for the football team next to the Great America theme park, passed with 60 percent of the vote.

Measure K asked San Jose voters to approve a 2 percent tax increase at the city's two cardroom clubs, Bay 101 and Garden City Casino, with the intention that increasing the tax from 13 to 15 percent and increasing the number of playing tables by nine at each of the clubs would generate about $5 million for the city. The measure won with 76 percent approval.

Three school bond measures also passed by a wide margin.

Measure A, a bond for the Mountain View-Los Alto Union High School District, passed with 77 percent approval. The bond will allow the district to add classrooms and science labs to prevent student overcrowding, improve instructional technology to support academic programs, and lower energy costs by upgrading heating, ventilation, electrical and other systems.

Measure E, a bond for the Los Gatos Union School District, passed with 71 percent of the vote. The bond will allow the district to create additional classrooms and school facilities to avoid overcrowding, provide science labs, and improve energy efficiency and fire safety in elementary and middle schools in the district.

Measure G, a bond for Campbell Union Elementary School, won with 73 percent approval. The bond money will go towards repairing leaky roofs, providing disabled access; upgrading wiring, electrical, fire alarm and security systems, improving energy efficiency, replacing failing heating and cooling systems, and upgrading computer learning technology.

Measure B, an $84 annual parcel tax for five years for the Milpitas Unified School District, passed with 70 percent approval.

Measure H, a five-year, $95 annual parcel tax for the Mount Pleasant Elementary School District, won with 71 percent approval.

Measure I, a five-year $48 annual parcel tax for the Alum Rock Union Elementary School District, passed with 75 percent of the vote.

The passage of Measure C with 72 percent of the vote allows the Oak Grove School District to continue for four years expending funds generated by the existing special tax of $68 per parcel.

Measure L, a 20-year $76 annual parcel tax for the North County Library Authority, passed with 77 percent approval.

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