Officers responded to a report at 8:59 p.m. of a mountain lion sitting on the hood of a vehicle in the 100 block of Bramblewood Lane near Elderwood Drive.
The big cat was spotted in the residential landscaping, which is to the west of open space, police said.
With the assistance of the Contra Costa County Animal Control and the California Department of Fish and Game, officers attempted to coax the mountain lion away from the homes by erecting a picket line.
A short while later, police received reports that the animal was headed east in the open space toward Morello Avenue.
Police said the mountain lion did not act aggressively toward officers, but remind residents who encounter a mountain lion to notify police immediately and avoid approaching the wild animals.
Residents are advised to avoid hiking or jogging when the cats are most active -- at dawn, dusk and night -- and to keep a close watch on small children.
Mountain lions generally try to avoid confrontation, but residents who encounter the animal should not flee, but rather face the animal, make noise and try to appear larger with arm waving.