Councilwoman Joanne Schivley said the Vallejo Times-Herald is refusing to run a campaign ad that accuses the current mayor and city council of wasteful spending.
"They made it clear they were not going to publish without that supporting documentation. And I obviously in the middle of a campaign did not have time to go back through what is already public record," said Schivley.
A representative of the Times-Herald says the paper adopted political ad guidelines two years ago that require candidates to provide documentation if they attack an opponent's voting record.
"If there is any information that has to do with council vote or public voting of any sort, the only thing that we ask is that they corroborate any information that they have," said said Matthew Miller from the Vallejo Times-Herald.
It's not the first time Schivley has accused the Times-Herald of bias; her supporters were outraged when the paper printed this picture that some interpreted as being disrespectful toward current Mayor Osby Davis.