More than 500 people came to AT&T Park to remember Alexis -- the daughter of the team's former vice president and the first batgirl ever in the major leagues.
"I'll never forget the day I hit my 500 homerun, to have her at home plate at that moment. To have one of your closest friends, your little baby sister, and I know a lot of us up here today don't know what it's like to lose a child, we definitely know what it's like to lose a sister and it hurts a lot," said Barry Bonds, the Giants' former slugger.
Giants broadcaster Duaine Kuiper said Busch was so full of life, the family wanted the memorial to be upbeat.
"Well, you could've asked me to go to the moon or maybe even more difficult to hit another homerun, but I really would have a better shot at that than not shedding a tear today," said Kuiper.
Comedian Will Durst said the girl he knew as Alex didn't do somber.
"And hopefully we can channel that joy that she had that elan and maybe pass a little of it on. It's the least we can do. And Alex...we won yesterday," said Durst.
Alexis' brother spoke for the family and standing alongside him was Nick Voss, Alexis' longtime boyfriend, who was on board the yacht Low Speed Chase when it was hit by a wave off the Farallons sweeping everyone, but Voss into the water.
"My beautiful smiling, brilliant and wickedly funny baby would be telling Jay and Nick, 'Thank you for giving me the opportunity to race on Low Speed Chase once again.' There is no blame anywhere," said Anne Anderson, Alexis' mother.
Donations in memory of Alexis can be sent to the Giants Community Fund, 24 Willie Mays Plaza, San Francisco, CA, 94107 or the A's Community Fund, c/o Detra Paige, 700 Coliseum Way, Oakland, CA, 94621.