She walks outside to greet you wearing a pink t-shirt and a headdress full of silk flowers. But that is about as polite as Tata gets. Though she's a licensed massage therapist, her massages might be mistaken for abuse.
Although the slaps to the face may look violent, Tata promises it will make clients look years younger. She is practicing an art from ancient Thailand.
Tata and her husband Mawin say face slapping is a natural alternative to Botox and plastic surgery. For $350, Tata says a few well-placed slaps can tighten up those saggy jowls -- kind of like taking your face to the gym.
Tata says she slaps herself every day.
The treatment, which only lasts a few minutes, starts out gently, but escalates quickly.
The before and after photos looked awfully similar, but the one woman swore she saw the difference.
"You've got a different line here, and this line's gone," she said.
And with reviews like that, Tata and Mawin already have plans to expand their business.
The massage could easily end up hurting your wallet as much as it hurts your face. Tata only works on one side of your face at a time. So if you want your right side to look as good as your left, that's going to cost me another $350.