Police will be out in full force and Mayor Ed Lee says he does not want any "instant replays" of last year's Giants World Series celebration.
Fans were rowdy and pumped after the Niners' NFC Championship win last Sunday. They were also peaceful and non-violent, unlike the mayhem that ensued after the Giants won the World Series in 2012 when cars were overturned, bon fires were lit, and a Muni bus was smashed and torched. Lessons have been learned since then and next week, the mayor plans to visit local sports bars suggesting they serve something else besides hard liquor. The police will also be asking them to sell cans instead of bottles.
Hopes of containing the crowd by putting a jumbo-tron at Civic Center so fans could watch the game were nixed by the NFL due to copyright laws. "Probably a business decision on their part," Mayor Lee said. "We'll respect it. I would love to have that opportunity because it could help us center maybe some of the celebrations, but we're going to keep the city safe."
They are also working with Muni. "To ensure we have the right kind of buses that evening; we're not going to have the electric buses out, we're going to have more of the diesel buses that are able to maneuver around crowds and be redirected easily," Deputy Chief Mike Biel said.
The city will also pick up trash from dumpsters on game day to prevent any fires and there will be street closures beginning the Saturday before Super Bowl Sunday.