Missing girl from Suisun City found dead in Fairfield park


Police know the girl's name, but they're not releasing it because they're still trying to contact her family. The mystery of this murder is already attracting people here.

Word of the young teenage girl found in this park brought Fairfield resident Lydia Leon and her family to the park on Friday night.

"Since we have kids of our own, just to think of what this poor girl might have gone through," said Leon.

Suisun City police say the girl in her early teens was reported missing Thursday evening around 5:30. About 12 hours later, her naked body was discovered in neighboring Fairfield at Allan Witt Park.

The case is now a homicide investigation, but police aren't sure how she died because there were no wounds indicating a cause of death. They say the girl lived in Suisun City but attended school in Fairfield. The girl's guardian reported her missing.

"They indicated she had last been seen in the morning getting on a bus to go to school, and normally she would return home around 4:20, she didn't, and that's when they became concerned," said Suisun City Police Cmdr. Tim Mattos.

Early on, police got a tip from witness Jack Davey who says he saw something strange as he drove by the park around 5 a.m.

"And I see a car parked in the parking lot facing our direction here, and there was a large man standing in front of it, just standing there. And it just looked odd to me," said Davey.

Police say there are two surveillance cameras on both ends of the park and what that camera captured could solve this case.

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