Rasmussen's family said he is the kind of guy who feels like your best friend just minutes after meeting him. Rasmussen's stepmother flew in from Portland last night to help with the search.
"We just want to have him home. We are really glad you all came out. He is a really strong kid and if anyone can make it through this he can," said Rasmussen's stepmother Nicole Apelian.
Rasmussen disappeared after running the Bay to Breakers race on Sunday. Someone found his hat, pants, cellphone and passport.
"He had all of his personal effects including his clothes and shoes off which leads a lot of us to believe that he probably went swimming," said Rasmussen's boss Mark Tholke.
The company Rasmussen works for in San Ramon has been closed the last couple of days to help in the search.
"Today is tougher for me then yesterday and I don't quite know why, but I woke up very emotional," said Tholke.
The two dozen people who went out searching today faced strong and cold winds, which whipped up the sands and made it tough to see. His stepmother is relieved to see the hope and determination.
"He has two little brothers ages five and nine living in Portland. They just found out this morning that he is missing. We had waited to tell them and they are just waiting to hear news about their big brother," said Apelian.
Apelian is asking anyone who participated in the race or was at Ocean Beach to send pictures that may help to: Find.beaur@gmail.com.