The Rasmussen family says there is no reason that their son would vanish on his own. They're using St. Gabriel's Bedford Hall on Ulloa in the city's Sunset District as a command center for the search. Volunteers continue to come and go, searching city streets and the coast for any sign of the young man.
"Beau, if you're watching this please come back and we really miss you," said Colton Rasmussen, Beau's 9-year-old brother.
Colton, along with his 5-year-old brother Quinn and his mother and father, came from their home in Portland, Oregon to try and get a sense of what happened to Beau last Sunday.
"We're all here hoping and praying that we can find our son," said Beau's stepmother, Nicole Apelian. "We have a large search team out today."
More than 150 volunteers, family, and friends from all over California, Oregon, and Washington state showed up Saturday to try and find a trace of Beau. He was last seen during the Bay to Breakers race. His longtime friend and college buddy Richard Talmage is being debriefed after searching Ocean Beach for hours. He was with Beau during the race.
"I was with him on Sunday," Talmage said. "I was one of the last ones to see him I suppose of his friends before he went missing."
Beau, who lives in Emeryville, has not been seen since noon Sunday. His pants, shirt, hat, and passport were later found on the shore on Ocean Beach.
"We have no evidence that he ever made it out to the beach," Apelian said. "Out of all of the Bay to Breakers people, you know there were 80,000 people on the beach that day, and no one saw him."
Beau's disappearance is a mystery. Volunteers continue to comb 20 miles of coastline, searching the tall sand dunes and beach.
Volunteer Francine Roy of Portola Valley stopped one woman and told her about Beau's disappearance. Roy was in the Bay to Breakers and came out after getting an email.
"They sent out an email to all the people who participated about the search party today, anybody who wanted to help search," she said.
No car or doorway within miles of where Beau was last seen is without a flyer asking for help.
The family says there won't be a formal search party Sunday, but they're still asking people to come out and search for their Beau. Anyone with information is asked to call San Francisco police.