Santa Clara police investigating rape at apartment


It happened around 4 a.m. on Homestead Road near Central Park. The man may have used a box cutter or knife to threaten the victim. Police are taking the sexual assault allegation very seriously and spent hours investigating this case at the apartment complex Friday morning. They say it's a high priority for them.

"We tread lightly on all these sexual assault cases. We're going to talk to everybody involved, any witnesses, and then a lot of the evidentiary things that are going on, we'll take all those details and put them together. If anybody has seen anything in the area around that time in this area is urged to call the Santa Clara Police Department," said Santa Clara Police Sgt. Derek Rush.

The screen was torn from its frame on a window at the second story apartment. The initial report that came in said that he came in through the window. Police say that is one angle they are investigating.

The woman was taken to a hospital, where she is expected to recover from her physical injuries.

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