There was raw sewage in the dugout during last night's game. Crews snaked the line this morning and they said it will be fixed for today's game. Last night, A's players could be seen standing outside the dugout to avoid stepping in the backup.
A's officials are downplaying the problem, saying this is like a toilet backup you might have at home. This isn't the first sewage problem the stadium has had. A's shortstop Jed Lowrie said it was "kind of repulsive."
ABC7 News asked an official about that quote:
"I would say that is a reaction to what happened early in the season which was a much bigger deal than what happened last night. We are in an old facility and things happen. We continue to work through them. This is just something that happened last night, minor, and it will be taken care of. It is not a big deal," said VP of Stadium Operations David Rinetti.
Last night's sewage issue is not related to what happened in June; that is when they had a massive sewage backup that impacted several bathrooms and offices.
ABC7 News asked what the sewage issue could have on the A's possibly moving to San Jose. Rinetti no comment about a move to San Jose and said the team is more focused on winning games and getting into the playoffs.