Train 258 struck a pedestrian at 4:22 p.m., according to Jayme Ackemann.
All trains are holding in both directions while police respond to the scene.
Bus bridge
SamTrans is providing buses to ferry Caltrain passengers and accepting Caltrain fares on all its buses after a train struck a pedestrian in Menlo Park this afternoon, according to a Caltrain spokeswoman.
Bus shuttles are carrying passengers to the Redwood City, Menlo Park and Palo Alto stations while Caltrain works to clear the tracks following the collision, Caltrain spokeswoman Jayme Ackemann said.
Northbound trains are turning back at Palo Alto and southbound trains are turning back at Redwood City, Ackemann said.
Samtrans is also accepting Caltrain fare media on all of its buses.
Southbound train 258 reported that it struck a pedestrian in the area of Menlo Park at 4:22 p.m. Ackemann said.