Sonoma police seeking man who went missing from care home

SONOMA, Calif.

Henderson "Buddy" Ashworth, was last seen around 2:30 p.m. in his wheelchair in front of the Sonoma Care and Rehabilitation nursing home at 1250 Broadway, Sonoma County sheriff's Sgt. Dave Thompson said.

At the time he disappeared, Ashworth was drinking coffee and appeared to be waiting for a ride, Thompson said. Nursing home staff found his wheelchair at the front doors of the nursing home's lobby around 4 p.m. but could not find Ashworth.

Ashworth is from the Napa area but moved to Sonoma in September, Thompson said. He suffers from both mental and physical disabilities, including a knee fracture that limits his mobility.

He is Caucasian, 5 feet 5 inches tall, weighs 150 pounds and is balding with gray hair and a mustache, Thompson said.

He was wearing a checkered red jacket and jean shorts. He may use a walker to get around, Thompson said.

Anyone with information is asked to call Sonoma police at (707) 996-3601.

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