Benicia teacher arrested for feeding coworkers pot-laced food


Most of the guests at the party were faculty members at Turner Elementary School, but the party was held at a home off campus. Police won't say exactly what type of food was served, but apparently a lot of the guests got high and some of them got really sick.

Police say Badger served marijuana laced food to her co-workers at a pot luck holiday party in November.

"There were probably 15 or 20 people at the party and I would say half of them developed symptoms or objective signs of being under the influence," said Benicia Police Lt. Frank Hartig.

Two guests who work with badger at Turner Elementary School in Benicia were taken to the hospital not knowing what they had eaten.

Joseph Nichols, a school parent, spoke to one of them. He said, "It was obviously something she ate and she was hallucinating or something along those lines. She was distraught over what happened basically."

Police say another guest took some of the marijuana-laced food home and their 15-year-old child ate it, then got sick.

"During the course of the investigation it was learned that Ms. Badger had admitted to some of the party goers that she had brought food that had marijuana in it," said Hartig.

But police say Badger denied any involvement when they arrested her at her home Friday afternoon.

Neighbor Dave Padilla has known Badger and her family for years. He told us, "I know her as a person who is very, very kind and just a sweet individual and this just doesn't fit. It really doesn't fit."

Badger, who received an award for outstanding achievement as a kindergarten teacher, is now facing three felony counts of poisoning.

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