"Like right now, my leg is broken," said Amit Vigoda, an amputee candidate.
Amit has a rare disorder that causes his leg bones to fracture under the slightest stress.
"Sometimes he even has night terrors. He's on the maximum amount of Tylenol and Advil that he could be on for his age," said Zimra Vigoda, Amit's mother.
That's why the 11-year-old Berkeley student actually wants to amputate part of his right leg.
"I've been through so much, and from my experience I know that I'm not sure if it's going to heal or not. But if I'm going to amputate it, I'm going to have more of a chance of running and walking and playing contact games," said Amit Vigoda, an amputee candidate.
He broke his leg by simply walking on it, but despite the dangers, his parents let Amit play wheel chair basketball for the joy of it.
"Now, my leg is shorter than the other. So before when I walked, I was limping a lot and I don't like limping because people all the time looking at you," said Amit.
With a prosthetic leg, Amit wants to run. Amit's website is growing as he blogs about his personal decision.
"I can tell you that I'm scared. This thing is freaking me out," said Amit.
And so far, he's had the full support of his parents and doctors, except for the idea of preserving his foot in a lava lamp.