Arianna Moore suffers from a rare genetic disorder that's scarring her kidneys.
A dialysis machine has kept her alive. And while she's waited for a transplant, she hasn't had any luck getting one.
That changed when Arianna's mom, Ashley Booth, created a Facebook page pleading for a donor.
Christy Harding, who lives in Florida, saw it. She normally ignores pleas like this one, but said this made her sad.
"And I don't know why I stopped on this one, and called on this one, and a match to this one," she said.
"I wanted to cry, I wanted to smile," said Booth. My son was standing there and tears were coming down my eyes and he said, 'mom, what's wrong?' I said, 'nothing these are happy tears, Arianna is finally going to get a kidney.'"
Arianna is set to get her new kidney next week when Harding flies to Minnesota for the surgery