I-TEAM EXCLUSIVE: Woman at center of Oakland police scandal says she had sex with deputy at 17

Dan Noyes Image
Friday, July 1, 2016
I-TEAM EXCLUSIVE: Woman at center of Oakland police scandal says she had sex with deputy at 17
I-TEAM EXCLUSIVE: Woman at center of Oakland police scandal says she had sex with deputy at 17The Contra Costa County Sheriff's Department has confirmed that one of its deputies has resigned, as he faces criminal investigation in the Oakland police sex scandal that has spread to six other law enforcement agencies. I-Team Reporter Dan Noyes has exclusive details on this latest development.

MARTINEZ, Calif. (KGO) -- The Contra Costa County Sheriff's Department has confirmed that one of its deputies has resigned, as he faces criminal investigation in the scandal that has spread to seven law enforcement agencies. The I-Team has exclusive information on this update.

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The young woman at the center of it all tells me this deputy had sex with her, when she was underage -- just 17 years old.

The Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office announced Ricardo Perez resigned Thursday. Public records show, the deputy made $116,000 in pay and benefits last year.

Earlier this week, the I-Team revealed new information from the 18 year-old at the center of the controversy, who calls herself Celeste Guap.

Dan: "When did you have sex with a police officer for the first time what age?"

Celeste: "I was 16."

Dan: "Sixteen?"

Celeste: "Uh huh."

Celeste tells me Perez is one of four officers who had sex with her when she was underage, and investigators confirm possible statutory rape is part of the case.

Celeste provided a screen grab of a text conversation she says was with "Deputy Ricardo." He asks, "where the pic at lol." She sends a nude selfie shot from a mirror. The date was July 2, 2015, when she was 17.

This image from July 2, 2015 shows a screen shot of a text message reportedly between Celeste Guap and Contra Costa Sheriff's Deputy Ricardo Perez.
Celeste Guap

Celeste has resisted providing names to investigators, including Perez's.

Dan: "I just wonder those early police officers who you had sex with, do you blame them for not helping you, instead of having sex with you?"

Celeste: "I mean, they did help me because I felt safer, safer with them."

Dan: "With them."

Celeste: "They did help me."

Dan: "In terms of protection."

Celeste: "Uh-huh."

Perez's boss, Sheriff David Livingston, released a statement Thursday, "We earn the public trust through honesty, transparency and accountability. Although this case involved one deputy out of the over one thousand sheriff's office employees, we will not tolerate even a single breach of the public trust we work so hard to earn."

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Celeste tells me the controversy now involves more than 30 street cops, sergeants, lieutenants, and captains.

The head of the Contra Costa Deputy Sheriffs Association tells me, "It's an embarrassment for law enforcement and should never have happened. They should've known better. It's despicable.

Celeste may be holding back on some of the names of officers involved, but investigators have copied everything on her phone -- texts, chats, and even photos of officers having sex with her. So, this case is far from over.

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