Miles Hall death: Family says $4M settlement with Walnut Creek doesn't do 'justice,' demands non-police response to mental crisis calls

ByKris Reyes KGO logo
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Family of Miles Hall says $4M settlement doesn't do 'justice'
The family of Miles Hall is speaking up for the first time after Friday's announcement of a $4 million settlement with the City of Walnut Creek, in the shooting death of their 23-year-old son with mental illness.

WALNUT CREEK, Calif. (KGO) -- The family of Miles Hall is speaking up for the first time after Friday's announcement of a $4 million settlement with the City of Walnut Creek, in the shooting death of their 23-year-old son with mental illness.

The Federal Civil Rights lawsuit was filed in 2019, alleging that the City of Walnut Creek, through their police officers used excessive force when they shot Hall while in a mental crisis.

"The settlement is not justice for Miles, there's no justice here today, we will find justice when we find other opportunities and other ways that our loved ones can get help and they don't have to call the police," said Taun Hall, mother of Miles Hall.

RELATED: 'We are moving the needle': Walnut Creek police to change approach to mental illness after mother's efforts

On the front lawn of their home in Walnut Creek on Monday, the family of Miles Hall reaffirming that their goals had nothing to do with money but everything about repairing a system that they say hurts people like their son.

"We're going to make it so people suffering from a mental health crisis do not have to go through what Miles went through," said Scott Hall, father of Miles Hall.

The 23-year-old was shot by police just steps from his house in June 2019. Hall had been diagnosed as schizoaffective. Body cam footage released by Walnut Creek police show Hall carrying a pry bar when the confrontation happened. His grandmother and mother made the call to 911 and warned them that Hall would be aggressive to police.

VIDEO: Walnut Creek police release footage from fatal encounter

Newly released body camera video shows the fatal encounter between Walnut Creek police officers and a mentally ill man. That man's family has filed a wrongful death claim against the police department.

"A mental health crisis should not be a death sentence and that's exactly what happened for Miles," said Taun Hall.

The Hall family has already succeeded in getting the City of Walnut Creek to commit $100k to expand their crisis intervention team but they want a model like CAHOOTS, out of Eugene, Oregon. The city-funded program is a 24/7 non-police response dispatched to deal with mental crisis calls.

"I think this case has put that issue on the map, certainly in this community," said John Burris, Civil Rights attorney representing the family.

"All we care about from the day Miles died until the day we die is having a better system in place," said Scott Hall.

If you or a loved one are dealing with emotional distress or mental health issues, find resources and get help here.