Job Hunting with Jobina: Nelson can help you find a job for free

Thursday, October 29, 2020
Job Hunting with Jobina: Nelson can help you find a job for free
Nelson is a Sonoma-based recruiting and staffing services company that currently has hundreds of roles in its database that are waiting to be filled.

Nelson is a Sonoma-based recruiting and staffing services company. It was founded in San Rafael 50 years ago and the team has consistently helped job seekers find careers in HR, engineering, manufacturing, technology and other industries. Nelson helps job seekers for free.

"There are jobs available," Joe Madigan, Nelson's CEO said. "You shouldn't feel like there isn't. If you've heard from somebody else that there isn't a job available, call Nelson and we'll find you a job."

Nelson currently has hundreds of roles in its database that are waiting to be filled.

"If we just look towards the end of the year and the retail space coming up, you know production and those companies that are dealing with holidays coming up, that's really going to be driving Q4," Madigan said. "But again, accounting and finance jobs, as well as legal jobs, are on the rise as well. Technology has been kind of flat, for the most part. But, I have seen our job placement uptick in the last 60 days."

Madigan's advice to people looking for work may feel obvious and simple, but it's to "be prepared."

"This pandemic has caused a lot of pain for a lot of people and we as leaders need to be empathetic to that," Madigan continued.

If you are interested in receiving employment help from Nelson, click here.


Job: Technical Accounting Manager

Salary: $100,000-$150,000/year

Description: Play a key role in revenue recognition determination, drafting related technical memos, operational accounting, and continuous process improvement for a growing healthcare company, 100% work from home option,

Qualifications: 4-6 years accounting experience, bachelor's degree, etc.

Nelson keeps their clients private, but you'll learn additional details once you apply for the position.

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