TIMELINE: San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus investigation

ByBrandon Behle and Monica Madden KGO logo
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Resignations come amid San Mateo Co. Sheriff's Department tumult
The San Mateo County acting assistant sheriff resigned amid allegations against Sheriff Christina Corpus.

SAN MATEO COUNTY, Calif. (KGO) -- An explosive 400-page report on San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus was released by an independent investigator on Nov. 12, 2024. The report laid out a damning case against the sheriff, who's accused of fostering a culture of intimidation and retaliation and having an inappropriate intimate relationship with her chief of staff.

Here's a timeline of events that lead up to and followed the release of that explosive report:

July 6, 2021

Christina Corpus officially announces she is running for sheriff of San Mateo County

In a post on her campaign's Facebook page, Corpus said: "I believe that transparency and integrity should be the foundation of San Mateo County Sheriff's Office. I will not hesitate to share our mistakes as well as our accomplishments with the communities we serve. By building an honest relationship with the residents of San Mateo County, we can help renew trust in law enforcement."

September 2021

Hints of a relationship between Christina Corpus and Victor Aenlle come to light

According to the independent report, several former and current sworn and civilian employees described incidents that point to Corpus and Victor Aenlle having a personal relationship as far back as Sept. 2021, including:

  • A civilian employee who saw a text message on Corpus' phone from Aenlle that read, "Baby, I love you, I miss you so much."

  • A civilian employee who saw Corpus and Aenlle sitting together on a couch in Corpus' office giving each other a peck on the lips.

  • A civilian employee was on a Zoom call and could see Aenlle and Corpus were at Aenlle's ranch house on the San Mateo coastside, feeding each other in an intimate fashion, touching and rubbing each other, and playing "footsie."

At the same time, Aenlle was working on Corpus' campaign. He was pictured standing right next to her at her official campaign kickoff event on Sept. 23, 2021.

January 2022

Independent Report: Corpus and Aenlle's relationship continues and intensifies

A civilian employee told the independent investigator that Coprus confided that she and Victor were going to get divorced from their respective spouses and wanted to get married to each other. Corpus asked the employee to find wedding sites for them, and the employee sent some venues online on Maui, to which both Corpus and Aenlle replied with appreciation.

That same civilian told the independent investigator that on Jan. 27, 2022, Aenlle handed her $12,000 in cash to buy a pair of diamond earrings at Tiffany's for Corpus. Later, that employee talked via FaceTime with the Sheriff and her mom present and Corpus said she got "$11K Earrings."

Corpus was pictured wearing earrings identical to the ones listed in the independent report in multiple posts on her campaign's Facebook page.

June 7, 2022

Christina Corpus wins election to be San Mateo County Sheriff

Christina Corpus was voted in as the first female and first Latina to the position of sheriff, replacing the incumbent, Sheriff Carlos

Prior to assuming office as the sheriff, Corpus served as the Millbrae police chief within the San Mateo County Sheriff's Office.

August 2022

Victor Aenlle was hired to be part of the sheriff's transition team

County Executive Mike Callagy signed off on the contract but noted in the independent report that the request to fund a transition team was "unprecedented". Still, he signed off on it because he said he "wanted to make sure that the sheriff succeeded."

September 21, 2022

The Hawaii Trip

A former sworn employee told the independent investigator that he and his wife were flying from SFO to Maui when they saw Sheriff Corpus as they were boarding the flight.

"Oh, that's our new sheriff!" the former employee said he told his wife. The employee told the investigator that Corpus saw him and immediately turned away. He then saw Aenlle boarding the plane as well with Corpus' son. He told the investigator that he made eye contact with Aenlle who said nothing, then "walked fast" toward the gate, along with Corpus.

The former employee then texted the civilian employee who bought the earrings for Corpus from Aenlle saying, "I just saw Victor and the sheriff in Maui."

The civilian employee then texted Sheriff Corpus "You were seen."

One week later, the former sworn employee told the independent investigator, that Sheriff Corpus texted him "I don't appreciate you spreading rumors about me."

The former employee told the independent investigator "I didn't spread a rumor. I saw you at the airport. That's not a rumor."

Later that day, the former employee said that Aenlle called him and said "We were in a big hurry. I didn't see you. I went there to have the sheriff be on vacation. I watch the kids."

The independent investigator also stated that Corpus' then-husband, who was also a sworn member of the office, told a former sworn employee that Corpus was having an affair with Aenlle and that he did not go on the Hawaii trip because Corpus told him that the flight was full and that there was not a plane ticket available for him.

October 21, 2022

Callagy confronted Corpus over rumors that she and Aenlle travelled together to Hawaii

"Hey, did you go to Hawaii with Victor Aenlle on vacation?", Callagy is quoted as saying in the independent report to which Corpus responded, "Yes, I did. We are good friends. Victor is good with my son. He went to help with my kids. If this were Bolanos (previous sheriff whom Corpus defeated in the 2022 election), no one would care. It's the good ole' boys spreading rumors about me because I'm Latina."

Callagy disagreed and in the independent report is quoted telling Corpus, "You didn't tell me Victor was a good friend. I wouldn't have approved his contract. It's the perception that I hired a contractor who went to Hawaii with the sheriff-elect."

That same day, on Oct. 21, 2022, Callagy's office terminated Aenlle's contract.

The independent investigator stated that the civilian employee, who helped buy the earrings for Corpus from Aenlle, told Corpus "You can't hire your lover. It will ruin everything that we worked toward. He'll ruin you."

To which the employee says Corpus responded, "He deserves it; he worked so hard for my campaign."

The civilian employee told investigators she responded by saying, "I disagree. Keep the two separate. You can't bring your lover on. It's a bad look."

And that Corpus responded, "I have to."

January 7, 2023

Corpus is sworn in as San Mateo County Sheriff

January 31, 2023

Aenlle signs a new contract to work for the sheriff

According to the independent report, Aenlle signed a one-year contract, where he would get paid up to $192,275 to "translate the sheriff's vision into concrete policies and initiatives."

March 2023

Corpus requests another contract for Aenlle under the title 'Special Projects Coordinator'

This contract was pay, in addition to his other contract, and HR approved the contract at an hourly rate of $73.

June 2023

Corpus worked with HR and succeeded in creating a new position for Victor Aenlle called 'Executive Director of Administration'

His annual salary was listed at $246,979 plus benefits.

Less than a month after Aenlle accepted the position, Sheriff Corpus requested the highest possible pay for Aenlle.

In the independent report, HR confirms that it honored the request as "a one-time non-precedent setting exception" because the Sheriff had already promised the salary to Aenlle.

Corpus would ask for three additional raises for Aenlle before he finished his first year of service .

July 10, 2024

Independent investigation launched

San Mateo County Counsel John Nibbelin retained retired Judge LaDoris Cordell to conduct an independent fact-finding investigation into complaints and concerns about the executive team of Sheriff Christina Corpus.

September 20, 2024

Assistant Sheriff Ryan Monaghan was fired by Sheriff Corpus.

In a statement released by the Board of Supervisors, Supervisor Ray Mueller called the move "possible retaliation" as Sheriff Monaghan participated in a judge's independent investigation of the Sheriff's Office. Corpus released a statement in response, calling Mueller's words "pure speculation" and "When the people of San Mateo County elected me as sheriff, they entrusted me to make decisions about who I include on my executive staff. The coach picks the team. Period."

September 23, 2024

Sheriff Corpus accuses county leaders of bullying and retaliation

San Mateo County's sheriff held a Sunday night press conference alleging inappropriate conduct by County Manager Mike Callagy. Sheriff Christina Corpus did not mince words.

"Up until now, I've stayed silent about the retaliation and abuse of power, discrimination and bullying tactics I've been facing as part of a border pattern I can no longer ignore."

Calls for permanent independent oversight are growing louder after San Mateo County's sheriff alleges inappropriate conduct.

Among the issues addressed were allegations of toxic behavior that happened shortly after she took office in 2023.

"He made an inappropriate and offensive request I needed to inform him who I dated within the county and when. A request I found demeaning and discriminatory. As a woman of color who has endured sexual harassment in this county, I was shocked and appalled by his actions and conduct."

These allegations came on the heels of Corpus firing Assistant Sheriff Ryan Monaghan.

September 25, 2024

Victor Aenlle interviewed as part of independent investigation

October 2, 2024

Independent investigator requests interview with Sheriff Corpus

Judge Cordell emailed Sheriff Corpus the following:

Dear Sheriff Corpus:
I have been retained by the San Mateo County Counsel to investigate circumstances
surrounding the employment of Victor Aenlle in your office. The Board of Supervisors has
additionally, asked me to investigate the circumstances surrounding your termination
from employment of Assistant Sheriff Ryan Monaghan.

Although you are not obligated to speak with me, I offer you an opportunity to do so
before I complete my investigation. I am available today (10/2) through Friday (10/4)
between 3pm - 5 pm. Please let me know what works for you. Our conversation will be
via phone. My cellphone: (redacted). I look forward to hearing from you.
Judge Cordell (Ret.)

Less than four hours later, Sheriff Corpus responded:

Judge Cordell,
I am in receipt of your email. I am considering your request and will be in contact with
Sheriff Corpus

Corpus did not contact the investigator after that email.

November 12, 2024

Independent report released

Among other things, the nearly 400-page report accuses the sheriff of abuse of power, using intimidation and retaliation tactics, as well as having an inappropriate personal relationship with her chief of staff. It also alleges the sheriff used racist and homophobic language.

"Lies, secrecy, intimidation, retaliation, conflicts of interest, and abuses of authority are the hallmarks of the Corpus administration," the report reads.

"Sheriff Corpus should step down and Victor Aenlle's employment with the Sheriff's Office should be terminated immediately. Nothing short of new leadership can save this organization that is in turmoil, and its personnel demoralized."

Sheriff Corpus responds

San Mateo County Board of Supervisors are calling for the immediate resignation of Sheriff Christina Corpus following an independent investigation.

"I'm not resigning," Sheriff Corpus said. "I am an elected official. Elected by the people of this county that represent change."

Sheriff Corpus fiercely responded to allegations made against her in the newly released 400-page independent report.

"This is a hatchet job of an inquiry, which was commissioned with a predetermined outcome in mind. And it was filled with lies," Corpus said.

Police association president arrested by sheriff

Earlier in the day, the sheriff's office arrested Carlos Tapia, the president of the Deputy Sheriff's Association union, on two separate charges.

Tapia is one of many deputies who has criticized the sheriff and her office.

"I will not be intimidated by our sheriff," Tapia said. "I will not tolerate the sheriff's abuse of her authority and retaliation against our union."

The county supervisors say they believe Tapia's arrest was an effort by the sheriff to distract from the report's release.

"It's an example of the type of retaliatory culture that this investigation was founded upon to investigate," Sup. Mueller said.

November 13, 2024

Deputies Union pushes back on Corpus' claims

The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted Wednesday to declare it has no confidence in Sheriff Christina Corpus to continue her job.

In a press conference the day after the report was released, the union said that Corpus' decision to arrest Association President Carlos Tapia has "all the earmarks of whistleblower retaliation."

Union members also slammed the sheriff for calling the investigation politically motivated.

"I find it a little hard to believe that Corpus would make the rest of us believe that someone who is as respected in her field like Judge Cordell would somehow have fabricated a 400-page report, which was prepared at taxpayers' expense," said Det. Eliot Storch, secretary of the union. "I don't think that's plausible. I don't think that's reasonable."

County supervisors: 'No confidence' vote and Sheriff Corpus' mic drop moment

The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to declare it has no confidence in Sheriff Christina Corpus to continue her job, amid allegations of abuse of power.

The decision came after Corpus made a dramatic entrance--and quick exit--into the meeting to defend herself. She denies all wrongdoing.

"What has happened the last few days is disgusting," Corpus told the board. "This inquiry was politically motivated and one-sided and filled with lies."

Corpus said because of this, she is appointing Aenlle to the position of assistant sheriff "effective immediately."

"I am the sheriff of this county. I answer to the people of San Mateo County, who elected me. I will not be bullied," she said before storming out.

Supervisors also voted to have their counsel look into whether or not Corpus legally is able to appoint Aenlle as her assistant sheriff.

November 14, 2024

District attorney's office receives investigation report

Despite mounting calls for her resignation, San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus remains defiant, showing no signs of conceding.

San Mateo District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe said his office received the report from the board and would take next steps as they do in any other investigations.

"We have to prove these things beyond reasonable doubt if there is a violation. And we want to make sure that we have that, and we don't jump into the pool of political comment," Wagstaffe told ABC7 News.

Supervisors discuss charter amendment to get the power to remove Sheriff

With Corpus showing no signs of intent to resign, the board could take action in another way besides waiting for a potential recall to be placed on a future ballot.

"We can bring a charter amendment before the public, where we would go ahead and say to them, under these specific circumstances, you would go ahead and give the board the power to remove the sheriff," Supervisor Ray Mueller told ABC7 News.

More calls for sheriff to resign

November 15, 2024

Assistant Sheriff Matthew Fox and unamed captain resign

The Sheriff's office confirmed to ABC7 that Assistant Sheriff Fox, who replaced the former Assistant Sheriff Monaghan after he was fired, resigned. It did not provide a reason, but said "Sheriff Corpus would like to thank him for his dedicated service to the San Mateo County community and she wishes him the best in his future endeavors."

Sources confirmed another unnamed captain resigned when he was ordered to take part in the arrest of Union President Carlos Tapia. That officer was later identified by the sherriff's office as Brian Philip.

Read the full investigation report below or click here.

November 16, 2024

Undersheriff Daniel Perea says report he resigned is 'untrue'

An undersheriff with the San Mateo County Sheriff's Office issued a statement on Saturday, saying he did not resign.

"Press reports and rumors that I have resigned are untrue," said undersheriff Daniel Perea. "I continue to have complete confidence and respect for Sheriff Christina Corpus, our employees, and the voters of San Mateo County who elected her to office to carry out reforms. I remain committed to serving sheriff Christina Corpus as she continues to bring change in the face of entrenched resistance"

November 18, 2024

EXCLUSIVE: San Mateo Co. sheriff says she's 'disgusted,' won't resign amid accusations

In an ABC7 News exclusive, San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus spoke to I-Team reporter Dan Noyes days after the Board of Supervisors voted, urging her to resign.
She says she is coming out in the strongest way possible to say the accusations of her having an intimate relationship with a staffer is not true.
She made it clear she's not stepping down.
"I can hang my head up high," she said.
You can watch Dan Noyes' story here.

November 19, 2024

San Mateo Co. supervisors move to let voters decide on sheriffs future

San Mateo County leaders made a unanimous decision Tuesday on how controversial Sheriff Christina Corpus can be removed from her job.

The Board of Supervisors voted to let county voters decide to give the board the power to fire Sheriff Christina Corpus.

The board introduced the ordinance that will bring that decision to the voters in March.

"Our sheriff was elected by the people, and the people will make the ultimate decision here," Noelia Corzo, San Mateo County Supervisor said.

November 21, 2024

San Mateo Co. captains call for Sheriff Christina Corpus to resign amid misconduct allegations

All five San Mateo County Sheriff's Office captains called for their boss, Sheriff Christina Corpus, to resign amid misconduct allegations.

In a Nov. 18 letter to Corpus that was made public Thursday, Capt. Frank Dal Porto states that the command staff unanimously passed a vote of no confidence in her leadership over the weekend.

"This letter serves as the official communication to ensure that our position is clearly understood, and we formally request that you, the Undersheriff, and Victor Aenlle resign immediately," Dal Porto writes. "We hope that this matter is addressed with the seriousness it warrants, and we hope you will take the necessary actions to move forward."

County Supervisor Ray Mueller released the letter at a Nov. 21 press conference, along with other documents he says further support accusations made against Corpus.

November 22, 2024

EXCLUSIVE: San Mateo Co. sheriff's chief of staff answers calls to resign, shares his side of story

Victor Aenlle, the man at the center of the storm around San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus, is giving his side of the story.

He says the scathing report against the sheriff and her administration is built on lies. But that report has led to a criminal investigation and calls for the sheriff to resign. I-Team reporter Dan Noyes has the exclusive interview.

November 25, 2024

EXCLUSIVE: San Mateo Co. sheriff faces false info from her own department, Board of Supervisors

Anatomy of a lie. The ABC7 News I-Team digs deeper into a report about alleged misconduct in the San Mateo County Sheriff's office, and false information spreading from sources within the Sheriff's Department and Board of Supervisors.

"That's what we're dealing with here," Sheriff Christina Corpus told the I-Team. "A lot of this made-up garbage that goes viral and that is very harmful to people."

San Carlos becomes 1st city in San Mateo County to call on sheriff to resign

With unanimous support, the San Carlos City Council voted Monday night for a motion of no confidence in San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus, and called for her resignation.

December 6, 2024

San Mateo County sheriff gets $1M offer to walk away from job, sources tell I-Team
San Mateo County on Friday made a substantial offer for Sheriff Christina Corpus to walk away from her job -- $1 million and four years of medical coverage. That's what sources close to the negotiation tell the I-Team's Dan Noyes - also, that when the sheriff and her lawyer declined the offer in strong terms, the county indicated they would offer more money.

December 13, 2024

EXCLUSIVE: Audio reveals 29 missing pages, facts from San Mateo Co. Sheriff audit report
The ABC7 News I-Team has obtained the recording of a two-hour-plus interview that led to a scathing report and calls for the San Mateo County sheriff to resign. But that recording also raises questions about how the judge carried out her investigation. The I-Team's Dan Noyes compared that recording to the transcript included in a massive report by retired Judge LaDoris Cordell and discovered that she left out 29 pages of the transcript and made one basic, yet very important mistake. Dan Noyes emailed Judge Cordell several times about those mistakes. She's usually responsive when we contact her, but not this time. The bottom line is that the Board of Supervisors--and the public, for that matter--made decisions about the sheriff and her chief of staff on sometimes faulty or incomplete information. Given the problems in her report, the I-Team has emailed Judge Cordell, all the supervisors, and the county executive, asking if they would correct the record, file an addendum to the report and do interviews with us. We'll keep you updated on their response.

December 16, 2024

Charges dropped for union official critical of San Mateo Co. Sheriff Christina Corpus
The San Mateo County District Attorney announced on Monday that he will not file time card fraud charges against a union head who has been highly critical of Sheriff Christina Corpus. Carlos Tapia, the head of the Deputy Sheriff's Association, said a month ago the charges weren't true and that the timing of his arrest was highly suspect.

January 6, 2025

Sheriff Corpus files $10M claim against San Mateo County, decries 'old boys' network'
"There are some who unfortunately still believe that law enforcement is a white man's world" -- strong words from an attorney for Sheriff Christina Corpus who has filed a $10 million claim on behalf of the sheriff against San Mateo County.

February 25, 2025

San Mateo Co. judge rules special election that could determine future of sheriff can move forward
A San Mateo County Superior Court judge has ruled that the special election will move forward for Measure A next week, which could give the board of supervisors the power to fire Sheriff Christina Corpus.

March 5, 2025

San Mateo Co. votes on Measure A on whether to give supervisors power to remove Sheriff Corpus
Measure A will decide if the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors will gain the temporary power to remove the sheriff from office.

EXCLUSIVE: Key witness 'out to get' San Mateo Co. sheriff? Credibility questioned by public official
San Mateo County voters have given the Board of Supervisors the power to remove Sheriff Christina Corpus from office. She's been under fire since a scathing audit report released in November, but now, her legal team is calling into question the credibility of a key witness cited dozens of times in that report. I-Team reporter Dan Noyes has exclusive information about the witness called "civilian employee #3."

Read the full independent investigation report below.

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