After an incredible journey back to health, Tally the Turtle is back home in the Gulf

ByBob Slovak Localish logo
Monday, November 13, 2023
Tally the Turtle is back home in the Gulf
Tally the Turtle is back home in the GulfAn endangered Sea Turtle took a wrong turn and ended up far from home. With the help of many Tally is back swimming in the warm waters of the Gulf.

HOUSTON, Texas -- Tally, an endangered Kemp's ridley sea turtle is back at home in the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

Swept up by the powerful Gulf Stream, Tally ended up stranded all the way across the Atlantic in in the cold waters of Wales. Found by a dog walker, Tally was "presumed dead".

Frankie Hobro the director of the Anglesey Sea Zoo nursed Tally back to health. "Once we were happy that Tally was recovering and healthy we started looking at how we were going to get her back in to the wild, released into the Gulf of Mexico."

Tally transported back to Texas where she was checked out at the Houston Zoo Senior Veterinarian Dr. Joe Flanagan, "she looks good and is fit"

After traveling nearly 4,500 miles, Tally was finally on the road for the final 45 miles to Galveston, Texas.

Tally was fitted with a tracking device to monitor her movement by Texas A&M at Galveston's Gulf Center for Sea Turtle Research. The Center's Dr. Christopher Marshall along with Frankie Hobro carried Tally back into her ocean home.

Marshall along with everyone letting out a cheer, "as soon as she smelled the water here she was ready to go."