New study says most school shootings could have been prevented

Lisa Amin Gulezian Image
ByLisa Amin Gulezian KGO logo
Friday, November 8, 2019
New study says most school shootings could have been prevented
New study says most school shootings could have been preventedPreventing school shootings-- it's possible according to a just-released report by the US Secret Service.

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Preventing school shootings-- it's possible according to a just-released report by the U.S. Secret Service and a big take away from that report is if you 'see' something 'say' something. It 'seems simple' enough but according to experts-- it can save lives.

Sandy Hook, Marjory Stoneman Douglas, Columbine-- notable school shootings where many lives were lost. Now the Secret Service says most of these incidents could have been prevented.

TAKE ACTION: Get help with bullying and teen mental health

Lina Alathari with the U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center said, "Every single school attacker engaged in concerning behavior that a lot of times elicited concern in those around them."

Often times the attacker made threats, suicidal comments or was depressed. The study says two thirds of the suspects communicated their intent two weeks prior to the attack.

Former FBI agent Rick Smith said, "It doesn't happen just out of thin air. No one starts to shoot 500 people that's been stable their entire life. So there has got to be some history and there needs to be some reporting."

The study also found many of the attackers had been bullied.

According to Ann Brownell of the Amanda Network, an anti-bullying campaign, "Bullying can happen anywhere."

She's says bullying can lead to dangerous consequences.

"You don't know what's going to be the final straw that puts them over the edge."

That's why it's important to intervene early if disturbing patterns are noticed.

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