8 Tips featured in the segment:
By Tamara Monosoff
- Take a stand for yourself: If you are dissatisfied with your current circumstances no one will fix them -- except for you. It doesn't do any good to blame the economy, your boss, spouse or family. Change can only occur when you make a conscious decision to make it happen.
- Take the pressure off yourself: If you know you want to do something new, but don't yet know the "what" or "how", don't expect that you should know what that "thing" is or the steps for getting there.
- Figure out the Right Business for You: What do you already know? What are you passionate about? What are concrete business opportunities for you to consider? Give yourself permission to explore.
- Adopt a Service Mindset: Regardless of the type of business you choose, you need to be committed to serving others -- customers, clients, employees, community, and investors.
- Create Your Plan: As you write down your goals, strategies and action steps - your business becomes real.
- Build a Support Network: You've made the internal commitment to your business. Now you need to cultivate a network of supporters, advisors, partners, allies, and vendors. If you believe in your business, others will too!
- Get the Word Out: Be willing to say who you are and what you do with conviction and without apology! Embrace and use the most effective online tools (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn) available to broadcast your news.
- Take Care of Yourself: This is an intense process and it takes hard work. Be diligent about scheduling time to de-stress. Walk in nature, meditate, meet a friend -- do whatever works best for you.
If you had the opportunity to follow your passion and make money doing it, would you? Now, acclaimed best-selling author Tamara Monosoff reveals the clear road map in Your Million Dollar Dream: Regain Control & Be Your Own Boss, Create a Winning Business Plan & Turn Your Passion into Profit. Tamara Monosoff has helped tens of thousands of people take control of their lives and careers by launching and growing successful businesses of all types.
In Your Million Dollar Dream, she brings her years of experience directly to readers, providing expert insight, invaluable resources, and examples to help readers:
- Link your dream to practical business possibilities
- Identify your skills & motivations
- Get your business in the media spotlight
- Use Twitter, Facebook & the Internet as powerful business tools
- Create Value & Build Your Brand
- Find the funding to support your business
- Create a compelling & effective business plan
Your Million Dollar Dream features stories like that of Jean Thompson, a former Microsoft employee who built Seattle Chocolates and Kelly Strowd, who traded in a 10-year law enforcement career for a pet-sitting business.
This book makes otherwise daunting tasks fun and enjoyable and paints the exciting picture of successful entrepreneurship.
For more information, visit www.yourmilliondollardream.com >> Buy this book on Amazon: Your Million Dollar Dream: Regain Control and Be Your Own Boss. Create a Winning Business Plan. Turn Your Passion into Profit.
About Tamara Monosoff:
Tamara is also an "expert" business columnist for Entrepreneur.com and WomenEntrepreneur.com.
Monosoff is CEO & Founder of Mom Invented®, a dynamic company with the mission to "Inspire, Inform & Boldly Promote Courageous Women in Business" and "Celebrate the creativity of moms by launching innovative Mom Invented® products around the world."
Internationally trademarked Mom Invented® products can be found in stores worldwide. Tamara is a frequent speaker on Entrepreneurship and Women & Leadership. She is a former White House aid and holds a Masters (MA) and Doctorate Degree (Ed.D.) from the University of San Francisco, and a B.A. from the University of California at Santa Barbara.
For more information, visit www.mominventors.com