Urban Shield training takes place in Bay Area


Thousands of first responders across California taking part in a very realistic training exercise this weekend in the Bay Area called Urban Shield.

Part of their training involves a mock shooter on a school campus. In the drill, terrified students ran from a Castro Valley elementary school after a gunman fired shots on campus. The realistic situation is a vital exercise for first responders.

"We try to replicate what happens in these situations and we purposely try to make it chaotic, and we purposely try to make it a mess. So that when and if and hopefully this never happens -- teams will be ready," said Alameda County sheriff's spokesman JD Nelson.

This training session was one of many across the Bay Area this weekend part of Urban Shield -- the largest real life drill for police and fire in the country.

Sadly, this scenario comes just days after a school shooting in Sparks, Nevada which left one teacher and the student shooter dead.

"It's one of those things that if your organization isn't practiced on and you're not ready to confront it -- you're going to find yourself in a bad situation someday possibly," said Contra Costa Sheriff's Dept Sgt. Jonathan Gackowski.

The realistic training will continue on Sunday.

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