Nick Young talks Oakland A's in rare appearance with shirt on in SF

Byby Casey Pratt KGO logo
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Nick Young talks Oakland A's in rare appearance with shirt on in SF
Nick Young has gone by the nickname "Swaggy P" for a while but on Tuesday at the Golden State Warriors championship parade, "Swag Champ" was officially born and he resurfaced Thursday.

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Nick Young has gone by the nickname "Swaggy P" for a while but on Tuesday at the Golden State Warriors championship parade, "Swag Champ" was officially born and he resurfaced Thursday.

The summer of Swaggy continued in San Francisco when he stopped by Macy's to greet fans, sign autographs, and spend time with kids from the YMCA. And although he promised to spend the summer shirtless, Young was fully clothed in a Ricky Henderson jersey.

Here's what he had to say about it:

Full coverage on the Golden State Warriors's 2018 parade here.